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nikcaSigned on: Sun 11 Dec 2005 20:07:42 CET
cau muzete mi prosim nekdo rict jestli už jezdí vleky i v tejdnu? "Aktuální" infa z různých servrů si docela odporujou ... :roll
Komentář Admina: Vleky jezdi. Ne sice vsechny, ale dneska v pondeli jezdily 2 vleky (BLV500-kotva a velka poma "U Otase") ;)
Zero.riderSigned on: Fri 09 Dec 2005 20:56:58 CET
Mimochodem,fuckt gooood udělaný stránky! 
Obvzlášť to počasý! :grin
Venca_SikySigned on: Mon 05 Dec 2005 21:30:29 CET
zdarec, chtel bych se zeptat prej tu mate neco o staveni railu??? nak sem to tu nenasel, pls poradte :cry
Komentář Admina: Teď po změně designu to tu není, ale napiš mejla a já ti to pošlu. :grin
MRF2MaraSigned on: Mon 05 Dec 2005 13:01:27 CET
Sedačka na klíňák prochází tento týden revizí a začíná jezdit!!!!!!!!! :grin
Komentář Admina: :eek :eek BOOMBA :) :grin 8) ;)
martinSigned on: Fri 02 Dec 2005 19:47:37 CET
no. ehmm.. i really meant the little village "kliny". it is also near the border but a little bit east. they are not listed on - what is a myst for me - but they had a good park standing last year. and some of the rails (at least the 6m and 12m straight and the rainbow) were the same as yours. so i just thought you guys have a connection. and besides the named rails they also have another ~8m straight, an A-frame and a kinked box. last year they always had one kicker with about 7-8m table and a very nice steep landing. 
there are some shots of the rails in the little video that you can download on --> videosection --> the newest one... (forget the older ones ;)
the website of the resort is 
thanks for always answering  
HonzaSigned on: Fri 02 Dec 2005 13:25:50 CET
Cau Mates,zitra se chystam tam k Vam nahoru, prvni jezdeni u nas,se nemuzu dockat.Jestli budete neco stavet muzete se spolehnout s moji pomoci.Tak zdarec Honza Kadan.
martinSigned on: Thu 01 Dec 2005 19:59:17 CET
good evening! 
does anybody know a contact (email, phone) of someone in KLINY who is responsible for the park there? 
the email-adress on the homepage seems to be dead. at least nobody is answering ;) 
you have a kicker standing know!? 11m table?!  
damn it! there ain't a translation tool for czech-german. think i'm going to buy a translation book soon. or do a course...  
p.s. fine... know i deleted all instead of sending it.
Komentář Admina: You thing Klinovec? There is no phone/email, but you can find some information here. Now the park is out of order. 
Yes we have a kicker on Neklid with 11m table :p Last week we prepared some snow, so maybe we build another smaller one this weekend. 8)
TominoSigned on: Tue 29 Nov 2005 09:50:06 CET
Velkej restekpa Mr. Skalski a crew. Velmi povedenej redesign! Go on..
Komentář Admina: ooo dekujem pane ;)
persiiaSigned on: Fri 25 Nov 2005 12:50:57 CET
Hey netusite nahodou jak to bude vypadat o weekendu s vlekama? pojede neco? :? za pripadnou kladnou odpoved dik :grin
Komentář Admina: je to tak 50/50 snih je, ale zalezi jestli bude fungovat technika->vleky 8)
KventinSigned on: Fri 25 Nov 2005 12:03:39 CET
Tak koukám, že u jste se všichni dočkali a za chvilku budete jezdit vo sto péro. Tady v Irsku včera dokonce trošku sněžilo, ale hned to roztálo. Lidi z toho byli totálně vyplesklý, protože to bylo fak po dlouhý době co tady sněžilo....Přeji Vám všem at to dobře jezdí...a možná počátkem února přijedu si zařádit na sněhu. Tady si dáváme akorát vlny a je to bombička.....Zatim čus.....aloha....
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